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C o m p u S h o w
Standard Version 8.60a
for the
IBM PC, XT, AT, PCjr, PS/2 (and compatibles)
Hercules Monochrome Graphics Adapter
Color Graphics Adapter (CGA)
Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA)
Multi-Color Graphics Array (MCGA)
Video Graphics Array (VGA)
Complete CompuShow documentation consists of the following files:
WHATSNEW.DOC A summary of the changes in this version. "Last minute" changes
(since CSHOW.DOC).
SETUP.DOC Installing CompuShow on a floppy or hard disk. Selecting a video
driver. Command-line options.
DRIVERS.DOC A complete list of CompuShow video and printer drivers.
CSHOW.DOC This complete, detailed CompuShow User's Guide.
Q&A.DOC Frequently asked questions, complete with answers!
CATALOG.DOC The CaSSS software catalog.
ORDRFORM.DOC Software order form.
| See SETUP.DOC for instructions on installing CompuShow and configuring |
| it to work correctly with your computer. |
Using CompuShow: A Quick Start Overview
CompuShow is a program for viewing graphics on an IBM compatible computer.
This section is designed to give you a brief overview and get you started
A number of 'reminder prompts' appear at the bottom of the screen. For
example, 'F1help' means press the [F1] function key for help. If you have a
mouse, you can also left-click on any of these prompts. When we say 'F1help'
or 'F2log', it means press the function key or left-click on the prompt.
1) Start the program from your DOS prompt by typing 'CSHOW' and a carriage
return. The screen shows a sorted list of the disk files in the current
directory. If you loaded CompuShow from a floppy disk, you can remove the
disk to mount other floppies and use Alt-A or Alt-B to "log in" the new
[CSHOW.DOC] Page 1
2) The cursor is positioned in an "input area" near the bottom of the
screen. Use the "up arrow" cursor key (or your mouse) to move up into the
file directory.
3) Move the highlight bar around the list of files using the mouse or cursor
arrow keys, PgDn, PgUp, Home, End, etc. (Click the mouse above the top
line of file names to page up or at the bottom of the screen to page
4) With the highlight bar positioned at a graphic file, press the spacebar
(or click the left mouse button) to view the picture. If you don't know
which files are graphics, just try each one in turn. CompuShow will tell
you if a file isn't a graphic.
5) Press ESCape (or click a mouse button) to return to the file directory
and you're back at step 3 ready to select another file, or...
6) Press ESCape (or click the mouse in the input area) to return the cursor
to the input area (you're back at step 2).
7) Press ESCape (or right-click) in the input area to exit CompuShow and
return to DOS.
Of course, you may have graphics files on a different disk drive and/or in a
different directory (and it's quite possible that there are no graphics files
listed on the current directory screen). There are several ways to select a
different directory:
a) With the highlight bar at a directory (marked <DIR>), press carriage
return (or click the mouse) to move into the directory.
b) F2log to pop up the "log box" to switch to a different drive or one of
the special sub-directories listed.
c) Use Alt-A and Alt-B (hold down the 'Alt' key and type 'a' or 'b') to "log
in" a new disk in floppy drive A: or B:
Tagging Files
- Press F7 or click the space to the left of the file name to tag the file
at the highlight bar. A "tag-pointer" appears and the highlight is moved
down one file.
- Press F7 or click a tagged file to un-tag it.
- F9all to tag all files (on all screens of the current directory.)
- F8show to show all tagged files.
- As each image is displayed in turn, you may pan, adjust the appearance,
etc., just as though you'd displayed it individually.
- Alt-K to display the number of files in the current directory, bytes,
total size in K-bytes and open space in K-bytes on the current disk drive.
If files are tagged, the number, bytes and K-bytes for tagged files appear
on a second line.
- Alt-D to Delete file(s).
- Alt-R to Rename file(s).
[CSHOW.DOC] Page 2
- Alt-C to Copy file(s).
- Alt-M to Move file(s). Move only deletes if the copy was successful.
If no files are tagged, Alt-D, Alt-R, Alt-C, and Alt-M work on the
current file; the one at the highlight bar, and clicking on the prompt
has no effect.
- F10clr to clear all tags.
Command-line file specification
To start CompuShow logged to a different drive and/or directory:
>cshow d: log to drive d:
>cshow e:\pics log to drive e:, sub-directory \pics
You can also specify a file mask:
>cshow *.gif set the mask to *.GIF
>cshow c:\graph\pix\*.pcx log to c:\graph\pix, set the mask to
CompuShow can display one or more files as specified on the command line:
>cshow c:\pics\favorite.gif+ display one graphic
>cshow d:\pics\*.gif+ display multiple graphics
As each image is displayed in turn you may adjust the appearance, pan, etc.
>cshow e:\graph\sample.pcx+x display and exit to DOS
Add a '+X' to the end of the file name to display it and exit to DOS with the
graphic still on screen.
Changing options
F3wide Switches between a two-column display of file name, size, date and
time to a multi-column display of as many files as possible.
F4mask Specify a file mask such as "*.GIF" or "*.*"
F5sort Display only files or also show sub-directories. Sort ascending or
descending on file name, extension, size, date, or unsorted.
F6optn Turn on or off:
- Quiet mode; whether or not the program makes sounds.
- Gif Comments. Turn OFF to ignore any comments in GIF files.
- Dithering is a technique for displaying an image with a large
number of colors on a device with fewer colors. (If the display
mode has as many or more colors than the image, the Dither setting
has no affect.) Dither ON provides the best quality display,
dither OFF is slightly faster.
[CSHOW.DOC] Page 3
- The Gamma1 setting affects display of true-color graphics in 256
(dithered) or more colors. Some scanning and desktop publishing
software work exclusively with "Gamma 1.0" images. Turn this
option on so that the image is corrected for display on a PC
Select one of the rescale settings:
- Original size, no rescaling. An image may be smaller or larger
than the screen. If it's larger and you have enough 'VScreen'
memory (see SETUP.DOC), you can pan around the image with the
cursor keys or mouse.
- Rescale most images to fit the screen. The exception is monochrome
(2 color) images. Frequently, these use intentionally randomized
black and white dots and rescaling creates undesirable patterns.
- Full-time rescales ALL images to fit the screen.
The Graphics Information Box
If you type the name of a graphic file in the input area or position the
highlight bar on a graphic file and press carriage return (or right-click),
the Graphics Information Box pops up.
CompuShow displays 'raster graphics' or 'bit-maps'. These graphics images are
made up of rows of dots. The top line of the box identifies the type of
graphic file, the width, height, and number of colors in the image.
In the main body of the box are listed all the "standard" graphic display
modes available on your computer, based on the type of video adapter(s)
Mode (width x height x colors) Herc Cga Ega MCGA VGA
720x348 monochrome | Y | | | | |
640x200 monochrome | | Y | Y | | |
640x350 monochrome | | | M | | |
640x480 monochrome | | | | Y | Y |
320x200x4 color (4 palettes) | | Y | Y | Y | Y |
320x200x16 color "PCjr/Tandy" | | O | O | O | O |
640x200x4 color "PCjr/Tandy" | | O | O | O | O |
320x200x16 color EGA | | | Y | | Y |
640x200x16 color EGA | | | Y | | Y |
640x350x16 color EGA | | | Y | | Y |
640x480x16 color EGA | | | O | | Y |
320x200x256 color MCGA | | | | Y | Y |
320x400x256 color extended MCGA | | | | P | P |
360x480x256 color extended MCGA | | | | P | P |
O=Optional, M=EGA+mono monitor,
P=PS/2 and register-compatible VGAs, Optional
[CSHOW.DOC] Page 4
You'll also see up to fifteen modes provided by a video driver that you've
selected (see SETUP.DOC).
You may display in any of the modes listed on the screen by pressing the key
(or clicking) the mode you want. The "best available mode" (the mode used if
you press the spacebar or left-click from the directory screen) is the
character displayed at the cursor.
The F6optn prompt in the lower-right corner allows you to control the display
options without leaving the graphics information box.
Press '0', carriage return, ESCape (or right-click) to return to the
directory screen.
During Graphics Display
As the image is being displayed, press ESCape (or right-click) to interrupt.
The partial image will remain on the screen; press carriage return or ESCape
(or click) to return to the information box or directory screen.
- Images larger than the screen may be "panned", using the mouse or the up,
down, left and right cursor arrow keys. Press a key (once) to pan in that
direction. Panning will stop at the end of the image, or may be interrupted
by pressing any key.
Keep in mind that panning depends on the amount of memory available. (Check
the size of 'VScreen' on the Shift-F1 information box).
- TAB displays the file name and graphic size.
- Alt-N negates any monochrome (or grayscale) display.
- PgUp/PgDn adjusts the brightness of monochrome and color displays (unless
they're dithered.)
- On an EGA, adjust a color image displayed in mode 7, 9, or Z:
The sixteen colors displayed are numbered 0 to 9 and A to F (color zero is
always the background). To select a color to adjust, type the color number
(0..9 or A..F). That color will flash, so that you can see where it is and
decide whether it should be adjusted. There are two methods for adjusting
- Increase or decrease the Red, Green, or Blue component:
RED: decrease [F1] [F2] increase
GREEN: decrease [F3] [F4] increase
BLUE: decrease [F5] [F6] increase
- "Step through" all sixty-four colors in color number sequence:
COLOR NUMBER: decrease [F7] [F8] increase
[CSHOW.DOC] Page 5
Press Alt-F10 (hold down the Alt key and press [F10]) to save the adjusted
palette to disk. When you display the GIF file in mode 7, 9, or Z, the
program automatically uses this saved palette (press [F9] to see the
original color palette; [F10] to switch back to the saved color palette.)
- Adjust a color image displayed in an MCGA, VGA, or "Super-VGA" 16 or 256
color mode (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Z, S..Y):
- The color may be adjusted:
RED: decrease [F1] [F2] increase
GREEN: decrease [F3] [F4] increase
BLUE: decrease [F5] [F6] increase
- PgUp/PgDn brightens/darkens the image.
As with an EGA, the adjusted palette is saved to disk by pressing Alt-
F10, and [F9] and [F10] allow you to review the differences between the
original and the adjusted palette.
- Press Alt-G to display a color image as <G>rayscale.
- Press Alt-N to <N>egate a grayscale image.
- Press PgUp/PgDn to lighten/darken the grayscale image.
- Press Alt-C to return to a <C>olor display.
- Alt-R <R>otates the palette of a color, grayscale, or negated image.
CompuServe GIF Graphics
With the release of GIF version 89a (July '90) several exciting new features
are supported:
- Text may be included for display with the graphic.
- A "user input" request causes CompuShow to wait for you to press a key
before continuing, to allow you time to read text, etc. To indicate that
it's waiting for you, the program "ticks". Press ESCape or right-click to
interrupt further processing; any other key or left-click to proceed.
- Delays between images may be used for animation or to allow time for you
to read text.
- Transparency may be used to create non-rectangular images (or text
characters) to appear "on top of" the underlying image.
- Images may appear which are "disposed of" by restoring to either the
background color or the previous (underlying) image.
- Comments may be included by the person creating the GIF. After you've
viewed a GIF with comments, you're asked whether you want to read them.
Press "Y" or left-click to read the comments; press 'N', ESCape, carriage
return or right-click to skip comments.
[CSHOW.DOC] Page 6
As a rule of thumb, transparency and restore to previous functions in a
640x480x256 GIF will require either EMS/XMS memory or a 640k system, with no
RAM resident programs loaded (TSRs, RAM disks, etc.), so that at least 530k
of memory is available to CompuShow. If there isn't enough memory available,
the transparent color will be displayed, and restore to previous will be
handled as a restore to background.
| See CATALOG.DOC for information about "CompuMake Tools" for converting |
| your existing graphics images to GIF, including support for all |
| features of the GIF89a format. |
[CSHOW.DOC] Page 7
CompuShow Standard Version 8.60a
CompuShow is copyrighted software. However, you are encouraged to copy and
share the standard version with others according to the following
The standard version of CompuShow may be freely copied and shared
with others, so long as no charge is made for the software, and it
is unmodified and copied in its entirety, including all program
documentation and all support files. It may be distributed via
modem, provided that all files are transmitted (archived) together.
Notice that ShareWare is copyrighted software. It's not "Public Domain"
software, nor is it "free" software. If you continue to use this program
beyond a reasonable "trial period", not to exceed 21 days, you must pay for it
by registering.
- Your registration fee makes it possible for us to continue to improve the
program and to provide similar high quality software at reasonable
- For your $25 registration fee you receive the LATEST COMPLETE VERSION of
- As a registered user, you'll be notified as new versions are released,
and may upgrade for a nominal charge.
Registering for the Enhanced Program
The enhanced program (CompuShow version 8.60b) includes all features of the
standard program, plus:
- Printing of all graphics images on most dot matrix and laser printers.
See DRIVERS.DOC for a complete list of supported printers.
- F8show tagged files allows you to specify an optional delay in seconds
between images for a continuous "slide show".
- Similarly, you may specify a delay for a one-pass or continuous "slide
show" of the files specified on the command-line.
- The scripted slide show feature follows a prepared script to provide
automated display of graphics:
- from any drive and sub-directory,
- using the best (space bar) mode or a specified mode,
- with control of (up, down, left, right) panning,
- specifying an optional delay in seconds between images,
- providing a "wait for a key press",
- to run continuously or quit after one pass.
[CSHOW.DOC] Page 8
- A CompuShow Setup program, which lets you change screen colors, and
specify "start-up" options, making the command-line switches unnecessary.
You can also automatically log to a disk drive and/or sub-directory, and
set the type of directory display you want.
For your convenience, we've included an order form (ORDRFORM.DOC) with space
for all the required information. (Complete it by hand or with a word
processor.) Orders are shipped first class mail, and registration puts you on
our mailing list for notification when future versions are available.
Uploading to a Bulletin Board:
We encourage you to copy and share CompuShow with others, but please be
considerate when you upload to a BBS or give a copy to a friend. Be sure you
include ALL FILES! This is A REQUIREMENT for distributing CompuShow as
ShareWare, and if all files aren't present, CompuShow will display the
"missing files" message, indicating that it MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED!
BBS SysOps and ShareWare Distributors:
We appreciate the distribution of CompuShow on electronic bulletin boards and
ShareWare disks. If you're a BBS SysOp or ShareWare distributor, contact me
to receive the latest complete standard version of CompuShow and automatic
free upgrades as new versions are released.
Viruses and Trojan Horses:
Due to the growing concern over computer viruses, Trojan horses, and other
malicious programs, BBS SysOps and ShareWare distributors have started
establishing "direct from author" libraries. We feel this is an excellent
policy, and expect to see it become more common as time passes.
For your information, we post CompuShow to CompuServe (PICS, LIBrary 3),
GEnie (IBMPC RT, LIBrary 14) and the "One Stop Bit BBS" (602-282-9035) and
mail copies directly to a number of BBS SysOps and ShareWare distributors.
(Just to put in one last "plug"), your concern about possible "virus
infection" is another reason to register the ShareWare that you intend to
continue using.
Graphics Interchange Format(c) copyright CompuServe Inc.
GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of CompuServe Inc.
Smooth Mouse Driver(c) copyright 1992 Andy Hakim
for information Andy Hakim, P.O. Box 70392, Houston, Tx 77270-0392
Thank you for your support: Bob Berry
CompuServe: [76555,167] Canyon State Systems and Software
Internet: 76555.167@compuserve.com Post Office Box 86
GEnie: R.BERRY7 Sedona, Az. 86339-0086
BBS: (602) 282-9035 Voice: (602) 282-5070
Copyright (c) 1993, Canyon State Systems and Software (tm), Sedona, Az.
[CSHOW.DOC] Page 9